21 April 2013

Strawberry Shortcake!

In the two years since I've been diagnosed with Celiac's Disease I've missed out on many of my favorite foods. Pasta, cakes, cookies, bread, all of the things I'm not supposed to eat because now we know it makes me sick.
But of them all, surprisingly, biscuits are what I miss the most.
Box mixes just aren't quite right, and I haven't been brave enough to mix my own yet. But I happened across 123 Gluten Free's biscuit mix and decided to try for a little strawberry shortcake.
They look fabulous, so we'll have to see how they taste!

15 January 2013


You know what's really annoying when you're planning a wedding?
Victoria's Secret catalogs that constantly remind you that you are nowhere near ready for a bikini-clad honeymoon.
I'm back on the treadmill, but it's really hard to get motivated when you're running in your basement after the sun goes down (which happens as soon as you get home from work).
Still, every time I finish my 40 minutes and tally up the mileage and the calories I've burned I feel better.
Until 9:20 p.m. when my sweet tooth starts clamoring for attention.
It's 9:19...