08 February 2011

For me

I make light of a lot of things, mostly because if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?
Also, much like the Bennets, I love to laugh.
Let me show off: From left, Mrs. Blossom Bennet, Misses Jane, Catherine "Kitty", Mary, Elizabeth and Lydia Bennet.
But sometimes my laughter is just a coping mechanism for my open-mouth-insert-thumb-and-curl-into-the-fetal-position moments.
Mostly this happens when I start to feel like a chameleon; that no matter what I do nobody sees me and I'll end up fading into the background.
I'm not a drama queen. At least, I hope I'm not a drama queen. I don't enjoy being in situations where everything is not copacetic, though I'd be an idiot if I didn't appreciate some amount of flair.
I guess that makes me a Drama Duchess.
Wow. Apparently I'm in a Kiera Knightly mood tonight.
Today I yammered nonstop about something that isn't important. It was just something to talk about; something to give me a solid connection to real people. Because if I don't, there isn't any reason for anyone to pay attention to me.
And yes, I understand how childish and dramatic that is.
I do me all by myself, and I do it well, but sometimes it gets lonely.
"One is the loneliest number" and all that.
I know this sounds very "Woe is Me" and, as my mother would say, "Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go eat worms."
Except I don't really want to eat any worms today.
Instead what I'd like to do is apologize to those two people I bugged the most today: Jen and Kelly.
I'm sorry that I yammered on about crap today.
I'm an interesting person five days of the week. Today was not one of them.
In other news, I hopped on the elliptical at the gym today that was positioned right near a mirror, so not only was my inner Narcissus fed but I also noticed that my beautiful ass is looking prettier than it did two weeks ago. 
Throughout this weight loss process I refuse to step on a scale, mostly because I'm afraid of the number. But knowing a number doesn't help motivate me to lose weight, it only stresses me out when I plan my meals.
So this go-round I'm doing something different and refuse to step on a scale. I'm measuring my weight loss in pant size.
So far, so good. I have no idea what I weighed to begin with, but I do know that my favorite pair of jeans now need the assistance of a belt to stay in place. 
I also know that Fritz is still here, and if you're down on your luck and need some good fortune in the form of a belly rub, I do accept PayPal.

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